Important College Application Items

Common Application

The Common Application is an undergraduate college admission application that applicants may use to apply to any of 517 member colleges and universities in 47 states and the District of Columbia, as well as in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.


The College Essay…your chance to shine!

The college essay is an important piece of your application  for admission..  An excellent essay can sway an admission officer to fight for admitting an applicant and a poor essay may take away support for an otherwise promising candidate.  So plan your essay well, make sure your grammar is meticulous, and be sure to show an admission committee what makes you stand out from the crow.

Some questions to ask yourself to help improve your essay:

  • What can I contribute to this college that no one else can?

  • How can I tell a story in a way that is unique to me?

  • Who do I trust to proofread my essays? (The more eyes on your essay…the better!)


Your College Resume

The college resume, much like a professional resume, provides a chance for you to highlight your skills and accomplishments. It is very important in the college application process in that it provides the admission counselor a one-page summary of your best work and activities.  Even though you have included a resume with your application and much of the information included is the same, you will still be required to fill out all sections of the application.


  • Profile – Give a quick synopsis of yourself including specific interest that relate to  your college aspirations.

  • Activities & Accomplishments – Briefly showcase your biggest academic honors, extracurricular (include any clubs, sports, volunteer work).

  • Career Development – List any paid or unpaid work and/or internships.

College Profiles